How do I remap the keyboard so Zoom Player would use my own buttons?
Using the Integrated Keyboard Editor:
With version 4.50 or newer, Zoom Player includes an integrated keyboard editor. To use it, open the Advanced Options Dialog (Ctrl+"O" to open the dialog and make sure to be in advanced mode. Switching modes is done through a button on the bottom-left section of the dialog). With the options dialog open, go to "Interface / Keyboard" page.
As you can see, there are two keyboard file entries: one for Media Mode, and one for DVD Mode. Simply click on the edit button next to one of the file entry prompts. You will be asked for a new file name and then taked to the keyboard editing dialog.
Editing the Keyboard File directly:
First, you have to open the "default.key" file in a text editor (notepad will work fine).
When you open the file there will be a long list of lines that look like
This is for adding basic keyboard keys. If you don't understand what the KeyState, ScanCode, and Function are, then please read the beginning of the default.key file.
Now, once you have decided on which KeyState and ScanCode is assigned to a Function. Then all you have to do is save it, by going to the File menu in notepad, select "save as", and save the file as something like "MyKeyConfig.key" into the same directory as Zoom Player.
Yeah.. we have a new Key mapping....
But wait, it's not working with the player...
Under Zoom Player's "Options / Interface / Keyboard", there's a textbox with "Custom Media Key File" above it and a button with "Browse" next to it. Click on "Browse" and navigate to the directory you saved your MyKeyConfig.key file to and open it.
Just close the player options and have fun with your new key layout.
-Submitted by HanClanSolo-