Announcing Zoom Player v19 release candidate 2

Zoom Player Beta

Published May 23rd, 2024

What's new in this beta:
  * The hint pop-up that appears when hovering with the mouse
    cursor over a skinned user interface button now includes the
    keyboard macro used to activate the button.

  * You can now rotate the playing video by 90 degree increments
    using MPC-VR as the video renderer by pressing Shift+"R".

  * Subtitle synchronization adjustments now works when using the
    MPC-VR video renderer.

  * New "fnMPCVRinfo" Zoom Player function to toggle MPC-VR's video
    rendering information overlay. The new function is assigned by
    default to the Ctrl+"J" keyboard macro.

  * New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / libVLC) to enable SHOUTcast
    playback using the libVLC media engine. I do not recommend enabling this
    setting, the way libVLC handles SHOUTcast playback is sub-par compared
    to the default DirectShow media engine.
    Watch me code this feature live:

  * You can now press Ctrl+"C" with an IPTV EPG program selected to copy
    the program name to the Windows Clipboard.

  * New "Configure" button in the Advanced Options' Audio Renderer selection
    dialog. Mainly useful when using the MPC Audio Renderer option.

  + The IPTV window's active stream list is now restored when re-opening.

  + The Open-Source media library YouTube plugins will notify you when
    Zoom Player's YouTube API key quota has been reached.
    Since YouTube is limiting API calls, you can work-around this issue by
    creating a personal API key using the instructions in Zoom Player's blog:

  + The download tracking home theater interface keyboard macro has been
    moved from Ctrl+"J" to Ctrl+"X".

  + The keyboard editor dialog now appears faster, resizes faster and you can
    press a key combination to instantly find its current assignment or use
    the search box to search by the feature description assigned to a key.

    Watch me code this feature live:

  + The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) now displays real-time video
    rendering information when MPC-VR is used as the video renderer.

  + The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) now prefixes a "~" symbol
    before the frame rate (FPS) value when the frame rate is not properly
    detected in the media file (can happen quite often with formats that
    use variable frame rate).

  - Adding new Chapters (bookmarks) for existing media files would add a
    second "No title" ghost entry that did not function properly.

  - When an IPTV playlist contained multiple streams using the exact same
    name and ID, but with a different URL or Archive Catch-up source, playing
    such a stream would highlight all the streams as "playing".

  - Filenames with special characters did not open correctly when using
    libVLC as the media engine.

  - Setting the timeline to display the media's remaining time would result
    in displaying odd values when streaming live content that doesn't update
    the stream's duration. Now "??:??" is displayed instead.

  - Fixed an issue that prevented the last play position being restored when
    using libVLC as the media engine.

  - Media Chapters were not loaded correctly in regions where the decimal
    separator character is ",".

    Watch me fix this feature live:

  - Trying to play a bad file or URL using the libVLC media engine would not
    fail properly, instead leaving the player in a sort of limbo state.

  - When using the libVLC media engine with the "On Playlist Complete" setting
    set to "Auto-Rewind", the media would start playing and did not pause at
    the media's start as expected.

  - The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) did not show the correct
    resolution with some clips when using MadVR or MPCV-VR as the video

  - Fixed a case were closing and re-opening the IPTV dialog after playing
    a channel would not highlight the correct channel if there were multiple
    channels with the same name.

  - Fixed a glitch that showed new an IPTV EPG/Playlist are ready to refresh
    message and enabling the refresh button after initiating and completing
    an update download from the options dialog.

  - If two IPTV channels share the same channel name and EPG entry, playing
    one of the entries could later highlight the identical program entry on
    another channel as playing.

  - Fixed a few cosmetic glitches in the default Charcoal skin.


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